We buy raw material from the best suppliers

Reliable partnerships with suppliers from 20 countries and strict food control systems in the producing countries guarantee stable quality of the supplied raw material.


We quickly deliver raw material

The company implemented an efficient logistics system to ensure fast delivery of raw material to the company's plants. BREMOR uses reliable supply chains, integrating various ways of delivering raw materials from different parts of the world and controls the accuracy of the transportation.


We automate production processes

All factories of the company are equipped with advanced facilities from leading foreign manufacturers. A high level of automation ensures the reliability of technological operations and guarantees the stability of the production quality.


We retain products benefits

Thanks to the innovative technology and company’s own unique recipes, BREMOR manufactures food products delicately and takes great care to keep them healthy and preserve their natural taste.


We control quality and safety

We implement quality control and product safety control at all production stages: from thorough checking of the raw material and each processing operation to the control of the finished products. The control is carried out by technologists and its own accredited production laboratory.


We care for the environment

BREMOR focuses on environmental preservation. The company creates and implements innovative solutions that contribute to the protection of natural resources and respect for nature.


We quickly deliver products worldwide

Thanks to the efficient distribution and logistics systems, consumers from different countries can enjoy BREMOR production worldwide. Its own distribution companies successfully operate in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and Moldova. The company has its own trucks which allows to control adherence to transportation modes throughout the whole supply chain. BREMOR is the guarantor of its high quality products.