We offer more than good quality products: we delight our customers with excellent dishes and let them enjoy wonderful taste.
The company produces more than 1,000,000 packages of finished products daily, which is more than 160,000 tons of products per year.
Six modern factories located in Belarus and Russia release production. Each factory uses modern equipment from the world leading manufacturers and innovative technologies.
The highest standards of production set by the company ensure impeccable quality and excellent taste of BREMOR products.
Inspired by consumers
The main source of company’s inspiration is consumers’ desires. That is why BREMOR production is a true pleasure of taste!
The most recognizable company’s brands are Santa Bremor, Russian Sea, Maties, Babushka Anya, YUKKI, TOP and Soletto. Each brand of our company represents a colorful story with its own unique features.
Food Market Expert
Being more than 20 years on the market the company got invaluable experience and became an expert in the production of fish products, ice cream, and semi-finished products.